Thursday, September 13, 2012


Well I have been staring at the screen for about two hours...unsure of where to begin...what I want the tone of my blog to be. 

Sometimes the best way to to start.  So here I go.

I am back in LA after four years in Arkansas.  Back to get it right this time.  I'm 70 lbs lighter, red headed, and mean business. 

Let's start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start.

I moved away from LA four years ago to save money to move to NYC.  Whilst visiting NY for Christmas I had this overwhelming sense that I was not meant to live there yet.  If I fell on hard times no one would care.  I knew I wouldn't make it with Jesus and the city being my only friends. 

From the time I decided to move back to LA it was evident this was God's choice.  Wanna know how?  I'm gonna tell ya. 

First, was the roommate situation.  I worked at The Kitchen Store in Conway, Arkansas with a vibrant girl named Kylie.  She is full of light and Christ and I enjoy being around her.  She was looking to move to Texas and I thought if she is willing to move, why not move to LA?  Fast forward a month, she called to tell me she wanted to move with me! 

Then, comes the apartment.  About two months before the move I started looking into how much rent we were looking to pay for how many rooms.  The very day I began my apartment search, I was checking Facebook before bed and before my very eyes was a status from a lady I have never actually met.  A family that lives in Culver City that was moving to Nepal for 3 years and needed to rent out their condo.  I contacted her immediately, by the next night, we had an apartment.

Now...a job.  Oh yeah, a job.  Still working on that one.  I have applied for probably 100 jobs, been contacted by two Recruiters, have two interviews, one phone interview, and a partridge in a pear tree.  Ideally, I would love an Industry Job, but seeing as how I moved out here to make contacts, I may just have to wait to make those contacts to get one of those jobs.  I am trying to remind myself to have faith.  God actually had to teach me a little lesson about faith before I left. 

Ready for another story....Well here ya go.

This summer I have struggled with my diet, exercise, and the slipped disc in my back.  Come to find out, all due to stress.  Once upon a time, I was under the impression I didn't get stressed; I was immune to it.  Come to find out....I was eating my stress.  THAT'S WHY I WAS FAT!  Who knew!?  Anyway, my back has been out since mid July so I was making my frequent trip to the cute young Chiropractor when the very awkward but adorable assistant was trying to make small talk whilst performing the ultrasound on my back.

"I have a story for you, if you want to hear it?  It's a testimony actually."  Who could say no?  "Well, we get paid on the 15th but my gym takes my monthly bill out on the 13th.  I usually cash my check so I was charged with about $70 in fees.  So, I prayed all weekend if I should go to the bank and pay my fees, because that is not just money I have lying around.  On Monday I decided it was the right thing to do.  When I told the bank teller I was there to pay my fees she said, 'You don't have any fees.  You are not over drawn.'  So, I called my Mother who has been known to put money in my account and she said she is strapped for cash and didn't have any money to give at the moment.  My Mom is a new Christian and said, 'You know where the money came from? God.'  I was blown away.  I had over $70 in fees.  You are told to have faith.  You try to have faith and when you trust Him and He comes through; it's amazing."

I lie there on the table trying not to cry.  "Okay, God.  I hear ya." 

This summer, I traveled a good bit of the Northwest, taught a lesson from the Big Man upstairs, dyed my hair red, and moved to LA. (In no order of importance, of course.)

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