I have failed so miserably at posting about what it probably the most significant last several months of my life. Shame, shame, but ish is about to get real, because there is so much going on in my life that I don't know where to begin. First update is going to be about my surgery. I had surgery. It hurt. I'm healed. I'm kidding; there was more to it than that.
Firstly, during the surgery the doctor decided that he didn't think there was enough elongation in my face after he moved both jaws, so he took a little something off my chin. Indeed, I have now had plastic surgery, but in my defense I had no say in the matter. The movement of my upper jaw actually changed the shape of my nose, which makes it look like I had more plastic surgery; I didn't. Due to the extra surgery I had to spend the night in the hospital, which I was dreading, and let me tell you...I never want a catheter AGAIN! Too much information, deal with it! I'm the one who had to endure it. I didn't really bruise from surgery so it almost looked as if I was stung by a bee.
The nerves were numb in my face so I didn't really feel a lot of pain, and it was manageable, but what I was most shocked by was the inconvenience of this surgery. I was not able to blow my nose, yet my sinus cavities were filled with old blood from surgery. I couldn't breathe or sleep well because I had to sleep sitting up. I had horrible dreams under the influence of Demerol so I stopped taking it less than a week after surgery. I just used my Pain-X Essential Oil (and a few others), and it worked just as well, if not better than the Demerol. Then, I broke out in a rash for two weeks while the Demerol left my system.
(rash visible on my chest)
I went into this knowing I have a high pain tolerance and I heal quickly, so I did everything a little sooner than the doctor told me I would. It's just how I do, yo. Don't get me wrong...I am a complainer. Know that I am probably not in as much as I should be, but I will complain about it none the less. I'm southern, it's what we do. Be offended if you want, but it's true. I digress.
I did lose weight from the liquid diet, but I gained it back, as we do anytime there is a quick, drastic weight loss. My feeling came back rather quickly in my right side, it took longer on the left, but my chin is still numb after 2 1/2 months. They say it could take up to 6 months for the swelling to go down and to get back feeling.
People have asked me how I feel about the change and I honestly don't see a change. The reveal of my face was so gradual due to the swelling, so it sort of tricked my brain into believing I've always looked like this, and honestly I think it is a very subtle change. I look more like my sister now, which she apologizes for.
Suz, you have always been so beautiful! The change, while really different, suits you just as well as before. You've always had a very enviable schnoz though! Thanks for sharing your progress. I can vouch for having a catheter. Jeeeeeeez when it has to come out.... No words.