Saturday, December 6, 2014

Post Quarter Life Reflections.

"They tell you to write everyday and if you don't you've failed as a writer." ~A fellow failing writer.

You know how some thoughts don’t process for days, months, or even years?  There is too much activity going on at once or consecutively so you sit down to have your coffee and think, “That movie I saw two weeks ago was interesting.”  

Today is a day of reflection on movies and life.  Why didn’t I continue my friendship with this person?  Why do some people stick around and some do not?  Why didn’t they advertise that movie this way?  Why didn’t I realize that guy liked me until it was too late?  What would I have done about it if I had realized?  Why did I wear that outfit Wednesday?  Why did I say that?  Why can’t I keep my mouth shut?  Where did I put my….what was it I was looking for?  Why can’t I end a sentence with a preposition?  Why did I dream about John Krasinski last night?  Well, I know the answer to that last question.  Did everyone already know that you have to make life happen?  And why didn’t I realize it until recently?  

If I didn’t hate high school so much I would almost want to go back and do it over again with the “wisdom" I have now. (Cliches are cliches for a reason.)  I have caved to the idea that I am just one of the masses.  I’d like to think I’ve had an original thought, but I can’t think of an example at the moment.  I read that book because everyone else did.  I’m on Facebook.  I looked up the pictures of Renee Zellwegger’s new face.  I get my news from  I jumped on the Mumford and Sons bandwagon.  I’ll have what you’re having.  Actually, that’s not true…I’ll change my order if you are order it, too.  I have to draw the line somewhere.    If dogs and babies didn’t love me so much I would question if I was even a good person.